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Youth Guarantee Lazio



Youth Guarantee is a measure of the Lazio Region, financed by the European Social Fund 2014-2020, to promote the occupational integration of unemployed young people. It is a set of services completely free to the person for the accompaniment to the job search.


What services can be requested to Orienta

Free employment guidance services, support for CV and letter of presentation, strategies for sending effective applications, simulation of interviews are available. We will guide you to define your professional goal and accompany you to the world of work to recognize the most suitable offers to you.


To whom it is addressed

Young NEETs (Not in Education, employment or Training) who have all of the following requirements may join the programme:

  • Residence in Italy;
  • State of unemployment or unemployment;
  • Age between 18 and 29 years;
  • Do not attend any course of study or training;
  • Not having taken advantage of the program before.


How to join the program

Joining the Youth Lazio Guarantee program is simple! Just follow the following steps:

  1. Register to Lazio Lavoro (area Lavoratori) by entering all the required biographical data;
  2. There will be an email to the address entered with the login credentials;
  3. Back on the Lazio Lavoro website and Login;
  4. Enter the reserved area, click on the button“Youth Guarantee”, select “ADHESION”, and choose the Center For Employment (CPI) closest to you;
  5. After several days you will receive the email from the ICC with the call for profiling.


On the day of the interview at the ICC you will have to choose between two routes:

  1. Intership, which provides for assistance in finding an internship opportunity of between 3 and 6 months (up to 12 months in the case of disadvantaged users) and a minimum monthly allowance for the/trainee of € 800,00;

  2. Accompaniment to the Work, for children who have already had various work experiences, which provides for help in finding a contract of minimum 6 months.

Remember that you can choose  Orienta Spa - Agenzia per il Lavoro as sponsor.



For more information, clarifications or to get to know us in person, contact us at the following references:

Branch office in Roma: 06/72439700 [email protected]