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Dear Candidate, before proceeding to the processing of your data, we submit the Privacy notice provided by Orienta SpA (hereinafter simply the Company), necessary for the protection of your personal data, as required by the relevant legislation. 
The information below will be useful to understand: 

  • which are the subjects that process your data and how to contact them; 

  • how your data are analysed and for what reason; 

Orienta SpA is committed to the protection of personal data entrusted to it. Therefore, their management and their security are guaranteed with the utmost care, in accordance with the requirements of the pro tempore legislation in force on privacy and in particular the EU Regulation 2016/679 (GDPR).


Data Controller and Data Protection Officer 


Orienta SpA is the company that processes your data and is considered for the purposes of the law Data controller. In this capacity it is responsible for ensuring the application of organisational and technical measures necessary and adequate for the protection of your data. The headquarters of the Company are in Rome - Viale Luigi Schiavonetti, 270/300. 

Furthermore, the Company has appointed the Person Responsible for Data Protection who is charged with ensuring compliance with the rules for the protection of your privacy, who can be contacted for matters concerning the processing of your data, at the following addresses (Rome Viale Luigi Schiavonetti, 270/300, mail: [email protected]). Further information on your rights can be found in the paragraph entitled Your rights below.


Purpose of data processing 

We point out that all personal data that you provide us with will be processed in accordance with current legislation on privacy, so the Company undertakes to treat them according to principles of correctness, lawfulness, transparency, in compliance with the purposes set out below, collecting them to the exact extent necessary for the processing, using them only by personnel authorised and trained for the purpose and in order to guarantee the necessary confidentiality of the information provided. 


In particular, the Company may use your data for:

  1. Purposes related to the management of the contractual/training relationship as well as the provision of services. 

    Your personal data will be processed to: perform the search for and selection of personnel for the purpose of establishing a working relationship, also for any positions not inherent to those for which you have spontaneously nominated yourself; updating with job offers corresponding to your profile/Job Agent; management of applications in response to job vacancies published on our website and on other job offers website; purposes related to the establishment, management and termination of the contractual and training relationship (eg fulfilment of accounting, retributive, social security, welfare and tax obligations); use of specific permits, absences and benefits related to the management of the employment relationship; fulfilment of legal obligations and regulations (eg for purposes of preventive medicine, occupational medicine, anti-terrorism checks, etc.); management of disputes; provision, support, updating and information regarding the Services and the available features of the Orienta Group Companies; activation of online services (eg access to the private area of the site, presence detection); where expected and required activation of the Digital Remote Signature service; conducting counseling, orientation, management, development, career transition and professional placement.

    The processing of the data indicated above is mandatory for the performance of the service requested by us, so your refusal will make it impossible to establish the relationship.

    The Company has the right to use automated systems/processes and a decision procedure that is not entirely automated to offer you and our customers the services requested. For example, if our clients look for candidates for some jobs, we could search through our lists of candidates using some automated criteria that take into consideration your availability, set of skills acquired, level of pay and in some cases your feedback received previously from customers to draw up a list of candidates which includes those who are most likely to satisfy the customer's requests. 

    In particular, your data may be used to process scoring on the information contained in the curriculum sent and/or submit it, always on the analysis of the information you have provided with the appropriate job offers with your profile. 


  1. Purposes related to recordings and image processing.

    In particular, images, photos, audio and video that you volontarily sent us, will be processed to: send recordings, interview customers and/or entities potentially interested in your application; process offers and promotion of the resource (eg candidate, administered) to client companies and potential clients and the Orienta Group companies.

    Furthermore, the Company, only with your free, specific, informed and unequivocal consent, may use your data for:


  1. Purposes related to marketing activities.

    In particular for: market research, economic analysis and statistics; social, cultural and solidarity initiatives; commercial information; marketing; sending of advertising/informative/promotional material and updates on initiatives, promotions and offers of third-party companies that operate in collaboration with Orienta and appointed specifically as managers outside the processing, also in relation to programmes and promotions, including online, aimed at rewarding or encouraging loyalty among candidates and people administered; communications and information on the Group's activities and on the events in which the Group companies participate.

    The processing of data at this point is not mandatory for the execution of the contract and the conferment of the related consent is optional, so your refusal will not make it impossible to establish the relationship.


Communications for the following purposes may take place in traditional ways (eg, paper mail, telephone), automated and similar (eg fax, e-mail, text messages, apps, etc.).

The entity and the adequacy of the Data provided will be assessed from time to time, in order to determine the resulting decisions and avoid the processing of data exceeding the purposes pursued.

We will not use your personal data for any other purpose other than those described in this statement, unless we inform you in advance and, where necessary, obtain your consent.


Use of particular data

In the event that you have decided to apply for a particular job offer and/or decided to send us particular data, Orienta spa will have to process and collect data for which the law requires your consent. In some cases, such Data may be strictly necessary for selection purposes. In this case we inform you that they will be processed exclusively for the "purposes related to the management of the contractual/training relationship as well as the provision of Services".<


Security Measures

Orienta spa has as its objective the protection of personal data that are provided, adhering in their processing to the principles of correctness, lawfulness and transparency. We inform you, therefore, that your data will be processed, through the use of tools and procedures suitable to ensure maximum security and confidentiality, through archives and paper support, with the aid of digital, computer and telecommunications media. Communications for the following purposes may take place in traditional ways (eg, paper mail, telephone), automated and similar (eg fax, e-mail, text messages, apps, etc.).


Retention period of your data and cancellation

Your personal data will be stored, starting from their receipt/last update/last access to your profile, for a maximum period of seventy-six months for the management of the application (unless the law otherwise provides for longer periods), after which they will be deleted or rendered anonymous irreversibly. In addition, the Company has provided, within the site, the possibility to unsubscribe personally from your profile. 

If, on the other hand, we should establish a working relationship with you, your personal data will be retained, starting from their receipt, for a period consistent with the purposes of processing described above, the current legislation and the legitimate interest of the Company, after which they will be deleted or made anonymous. 

The Company, also through periodic checks, will constantly check the strict relevance, non-excess and indispensability of the data stored with respect to the relationship, the service or the terminated assignment, also with reference to the data that the interested party provides on their own initiative. 

The retention of the indicated data is foreseen by the new EU Regulation no. 679 of 2016 and therefore no consent is required.

In particular, the Company will retain your data for the following purposes:

  • to assert or defend a right in court, as well as in administrative or arbitration and conciliation procedures in the cases provided for by law, European Union legislation, regulations or collective agreements;
  • to fulfil any tax-administrative obligations.


Transfer and access to your data

For the "purposes related to the management of the contractual/training relationship as well as the provision of Services", and for the "purposes related to recording and processing of the image", your data could be shared with the Companies concerned for the sole purpose of allowing them to verify the full correspondence of your profile with the position sought. Furthermore, we inform you that your data may be communicated to Orienta Group companies, and to third parties (including client companies, partner companies, professionals, bilateral sector bodies pursuant to article 24, paragraph 2, letter h) CLA administration agencies, public bodies, audit or supervisory bodies), to fulfil obligations deriving from the law, regulations, community regulations or for aspects concerning the management and execution of the contractual relationship.

For other purposes, the Data may be disclosed to Orienta Group companies, public bodies or third-party companies, which operate in collaboration with Orienta spa. 

For all the purposes indicated in this statement, your data of a common nature may also be communicated abroad, inside and outside the European Union, in compliance with the rights and guarantees provided for by the current legislation, subject to verification that the Country in question guarantees an "adequate" level of protection.

The Data will also be processed by internal resources in the offices of the Group Companies, adequately trained, who operate as personnel authorised to process the Data.

Personal data are not subject to disclosure.


Your rights

With reference to the data processed, the Company guarantees the possibility to:

  • obtain confirmation of the existence of personal data concerning your and their communication in intelligible form;

  • obtain updating, rectification and data integration;

  • request the deletion of your data, under the terms permitted by law, or request that they be anonymised;

  • oppose, in full or in part, for legitimate reasons, the management of personal data regarding you;

  • limit the processing, in case of violation, request for rectification or opposition;

  • request the portability of electronically-processed data, provided on the basis of consent or contract;

  • withdraw consent at any time for the processing of your data, if requested.


 >To this end, the Company has provided on the website the possibility of:

  • if you have never established a working relationship with Orienta, deleting yourself independently from your personal profile;

  • in case there has been a working relationship, you can request the cancellation via e-mail specifically to the following address: [email protected] compiling the form. Otherwise you can show up at the counter or send the request by registered mail. 

We inform you that the Company undertakes to respond to your requests within one month, except in cases of particular complexity, for which it may take up to 3 months. In any case, the Company will explain the reason for waiting within one month of your request.

The outcome of your request will be provided in writing or in electronic format. In the event you request correction, cancellation and limitation of processing, the Company undertakes to communicate the results of your requests to each of the recipients of your data, unless this proves impossible or involves a disproportionate effort.

The withdrawal of consent shall not affect the lawfulness of processing based on consent before its withdrawal.

The Company specifies that any contribution may be requested if its applications are manifestly unfounded, excessive or repetitive; in this regard the Company has a register to track its requests for intervention.