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date 15 07 2024
tag New

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Offer details
  • Location

    Italy, Trentino-Alto Adige, BOLZANO * BOZEN

  • Sector

    Employment and Placement Agencies/Recruiting

  • Job role

    Human Resources

  • Branch

    Bolzano, Via Maso della Pieve, 4/F


Orienta S.p.A., Società benefit, filiale di Bolzano, ricerca per azienda cliente di Bolzano, un HR SPECIALIST.
La risorsa si occuperà della gestione di un pacchetto di clienti per i quali dovrà elaborare mensilmente i cedolini paga e i relativi report mensili, predisporre i Modelli CU e 770, gestire i rapporti con gli Enti operanti nel settore e offrire consulenza nell'ambito dell'amministrazione del personale.


  • Diploma di scuola superiore e/o laurea triennale in materie giuridico-economiche.
  • Attitudine al lavoro preciso, analitico ed orientato ai risultati, con orientamento al cliente.
  • Capacità comunicative ed organizzative.
  • Conoscenza dei programmi Office.
  • Buona conoscenza del tedesco.


Orienta S.p.A., eine Sozialorganisation mit einer Niederlassung in Bozen, sucht im Auftrag eines Kundenunternehmens in Bozen einen HR-SPEZIALISTEN. 
Die gesuchte Person wird sich um die Verwaltung eines Kundenportfolios kümmern, für das sie monatlich Lohnabrechnungen und entsprechende monatliche Berichte erstellen, CU- und 770-Modelle vorbereiten, die Beziehungen zu den im Bereich tätigen Einrichtungen pflegen und Personalverwaltungsberatung anbieten wird.


  • Abitur und/oder Bachelor-Abschluss in juristisch-wirtschaftlichen Fächern.
  • Präzise, analytische und ergebnisorientierte Arbeitsweise mit Kundenorientierung.
  • Kommunikations- und Organisationsfähigkeiten.
  • Kenntnisse der Office-Programme.
  • Gute Kenntnisse in Deutsch.
Apply now

This announcement is aimed at both sexes according to the 903/77. To apply for this opportunity, candidates must send their CV to be included in our database. Once the candidate is present in the database, their CV can also be used by Orienta for future job openings, which will also be communicated via email. To ensure greater protection for interested candidates, it will be possible to manage your consent of privacy as well as an independent request for the cancellation of your data sharing. By applying to this announcement, you accept the above mentioned and declare that you have accepted the Privacy Policy on the website

More details

Contract Type
Temporary work with the aim of hiring for a permanent contract


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